Minimum Standards of Safe Practice

Notice and Compliance Requirements Concerning COVID-19 Minimum Standards of Safe Practice

(i) All physicians providing patient care or engaging in an in- person patient encounter, must implement the following minimum COVID-19 standards of safe practice.

(I) a mask must be worn by both the patient and physician or the physician’s delegate when in proximity of the patient (meaning less than a 6-foot distance between the patient and the physician or the physician’s delegate);

(II) follow policies the physician, medical and healthcare practice, or facility has in place regarding COVID-19 screening and testing and/or screening patients;

(III) that, before any encounter, patients must be screened for potential symptoms of COVID-19 or verified previously screened within last 20 days; and

(IV) that prior to care involving a medical procedure or surgery on the mucous membranes, including the respiratory tract, with a high risk of aerosol transmission, the minimum safety equipment used by a physician or physician’s delegate should include N95 masks, or an equivalent protection from aerosolized particles, and face shields.