Laser Hair Removal
Lasers safely reduce unwanted hair from the face, leg, arm, underarm, bikini, and other areas, while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
What It Is:
This procedure does not breach the skin barrier, and does not result in profound redness. It can be performed during the day, and you can return to work immediately afterwards. Since it does not affect the surface of your skin, makeup may be applied directly after your treatment.
Effective Treatment For:
- Smoother legs
- Eliminating catfish kisses
- No 5 o'clock shadow in pits
- Spontaneous bikini donning
- No nicking of the Adam's apple

Treatment Frequency:
A series of 6 – 10 treatments at 6 – 8 week intervals will deliver the best results. Waxing or tweezing should be avoided for a month prior to hair removal, as the hair follicles need to be actively growing when the laser hits them.
Pre-Treatment Instructions:
Following these Pretreatment instructions closely will optimize your treatment results:
- Use sunscreen with SPF of at least 30 daily. Sunburned skin cannot be treated.
- Avoid any irritants to your face, such as any products containing hydroquinone, bleaching creams, Retin-A, retinol, benzoyl peroxide,
- glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents or chemical peels for at least two (2) weeks.
- If you have a history of hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) with laser treatments or other trauma, please let us know, so we may prescribe a lightening agent prior to the procedure to reduce this reaction.
- Do not use self-tanning agents for at least two (2) weeks prior to treatment. If you have used these products, thoroughly cleanse the area with abrasive / exfoliating scrub to remove all product two (2 ) weeks prior to any treatment.
For Hair Removal:
- Do not pluck or wax for at least one (1) month prior to your first treatment, continuing through the course of your treatments. Plucking / waxing removes the target hair.
- Do not bleach or use “Nair”- type products for two (2) weeks prior to treatment, as this can irritate the skin.
- Please do not wear any makeup, perfume, or lotions in the treatment area prior to your treatment.
- Before each treatment, please inform us if you are taking any new antibiotics or medications, as they may make your skin sensitive to light treatments, and therefore, we may not be able to treat you for one (1) or two (2) weeks after completion of the antibiotic.
- Shave the area to be treated one (1) day prior to your appointment.