Aftercare Instructions Aftercare instructions

Botox Aftercare Instructions

The guidelines to follow post treatment have been followed for years, and are stillemployed today to prevent the possible side effect of ptosis (lazy eye). These measures should minimize the possibility of ptosis almost 98%.

  • No straining, heavy lifting, vigorous exercise for 2-3 hours following treatment. It is now known that it takes the toxin approximately 2 hours to bind itself to the nerve to start its work, and because we do not want to increase circulation to that area to wash away the Botox® from where it was injected. This  waiting period continues to be recommended by most practitioners.
  •  Avoid Manipulation of area for 3 hours following treatment. (For the same reasons listed above.) This includes not doing a facial, peel, or micro-dermabrasion after treatment with Botox®. A facial, peel, or micro-dermabrasion can be done in same appointment only if they are done before the Botox®.
  • Facial Exercises in the injected areas is recommended for 1-hour following treatment, to stimulate the binding of the toxin only to this localized area.
  • It can take 4-14 days to take full effect. It is recommended that patient contact the office no later than 2 weeks after treatment if desired effect was not achieved. Makeup can be applied before leaving the office. Retin-A, Glycolic acid, Vitamin C, and Kinerase can be used, but avoiding (for 24 hrs) the Botoxed areas.

Dermal Filler Aftercare Instructions


  • Application of an ice pack or cold compress to the injection area after treatment may help reduce swelling.  If swelling or redness persists after 48 hours, please contact your physician.
  • It is normal to feel a “firmness” in your injection area for the first few days after treatment. Over time, the area will soften, leaving you a natural looking result.
  • Many patients immediately return to their normal routine / activities.  However, you should check with your physician for his/her recommendation.
  • Makeup may be applied shortly after treatment if no complications are present, and using gentle application. Check with your physician for further recommendations.
  • The injection area may be gently washed a few hours after treatment. Avoid aggressive scrubbing or rubbing.
  • Sunbathing or excessive UV exposure should be avoided until the redness or swelling has subsided.
  • Do not sleep on the treated area; try to sleep on your back, as the filler is moldable for two weeks after injection, and diminishes with massaging or other pressure over the area.
  • Immediately report any worsening, persistent symptoms or side effects to your physician.

CO2 and Erbium Laser Aftercare Instructions

What to remember:  the more moist you keep the skin, the better it will heal. Do not let it get dried out; it will take longer to heal or could cause pigmentary changes to the skin. Every 3 – 4 hours (6-8 if use saran) x 3 days for the CO2; 1-2 days for the Erbium:

  • Cool compresses (old T-shirts soaked in 2 tsp white vinegar per 1 qt water) x 10 minutes (20, if the dots turn brown), followed by separate compresses with whole milk x 10 minutes.
  • Wipe off previous ointments and dead skin with soaking T-shirt. Clean shirt for next use.
  • Lavender / rose hip oil (blue bottle) or Olive Squalane. Aquaphor or Alba Unpetroleum Jelly. You may apply aloe vera gel prior to the rosehip oil.
  • Saran wrap (at night, or if you’re bored at home. Seals face. Avoid this if you have a latex allergy)

Threadlift (Eurothreads or Silhouette Instalift) Aftercare Instructions

Treatment Results.

  1. It may take a minimum of two plus weeks for treatment results to become noticeable. 2. Minor bruising and swelling is normal and to be expected.
  2. Minor pain at the injection site is normal and to be expected. Pain may last up to a week post treatment.
  3. Asymmetry and irregularity of tissues treated is common post treatment and usually resolves itself.

Due Diligence.

  1. Avoid exercise for 24 hours after treatment.
  2. Avoid excessive chewing and hard foods for 3days posttreatment. Do not drink through a straw.
  3. Avoid animated facial expressions for a week posttreatment.
  4. To avoid additional swelling, sleep with head elevated for 2-3days post treatment.
  5. Avoid massaging treatment area(s) excessively.
  6. Avoid washing your face for 12 hours following treatment.
  7. Don’t not wear makeup or apply facial creams for 48 hours following treatment.


  1. If you experience increased redness, swelling or pain at the injection site.
  2. If one or more threads begins to extrude.
  3. If you have additional questions or concerns regarding your treatment/treatment follow-up.

Permanent Cosmetic Aftercare Instructions

Proper care following your procedure is necessary to achieve the best results. Keep in mind that in many cases some unevenness of color is to be expected. This is the purpose of the touch-up visit. Please review the following directions and refer to them as necessary. If during your healing process you have any questions or concerns, please contact your technician. If necessary, an appointment for a touch-up procedure may be made between 4 and 6 weeks following the initial procedure for $100. After that period there will be an additional charge for a touch-up.

  1. Ice packs protected with a cloth may be applied as necessary (no more than 15 minutes at a time) to reduce swelling. Sleeping slightly elevated helps alleviate swelling sometimes seen the morning after facial procedures.
  2. Wash your hands before touching any treated area. Less is better. Do not expose the area to dirty or unsanitary conditions. Wearing glasses outdoors is a good way to protect new eyeliner from dust. Apply recommended healing agents sparingly.
  3. After a lip procedure, keep your lips moist minimally. Avoid spicy foods or heat. If using herpes medication, continue as prescribed.
  4. Normal healing experiences after the procedure:
    1. Eyelashes or eyebrows sticking together in the morning. Rinse eyes if necessary.
    2. Puffy eyes
    3. Light bruising near eyelid or brow area
    4. Some itching is normal. DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR SCRATCH the treated area or your color may heal unevenly and you risk scarring and infection.
    5. Tattooed area will be dark for the first several days and will fade. Lips will fade about 50% after the first three days into a natural shade. The final color cannot be judged until at least 3 weeks after the touchup applications are completed. This is the reason follow-ups are required.
    6. Lips will tend to be very dry for several days. Keep them moist with antibiotic ointment. Some peeling may occur. DO NOT PEEL OFF! Do not wipe your lips with a napkin while eating; blot instead. Drink through a straw. Lips have a tendency to fade up to sixty percent after the first procedure. If you have a history of cold sores, make sure you contact your doctor for a prescription of Valtrex.
  5. Avoid the following for one week:
    1. Rubbing skin when washing for at least 10 days
    2. Picking, scratching, or peeling tattooed area
    3. Applying chemicals (such as Retin A) to the tattooed area…actually avoid forever.
    4. Wearing contacts until 24 hours after eyeliner tattoo
    5. After any eyeliner procedure, use new mascara. Do not use an eyelash curler for two weeks.
    6. Stay out of chlorinated pools, salt water, direct sun, or tanning beds for at least 1 week
    7. No smoking immediately following the lip procedure. If smoking can be avoided, apply a heavy coating of aquaphor and cover your lips with your hand while smoking.
    8. Jacuzzi, saunas, hot showers, spicy foods…heat.

Long Term Care

  1. Use a good sunscreen daily – even the lips require protection. Sun exposure will fade your permanent cosmetics and may cause irritation even years later.
  2. If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please inform your physician of your cosmetic tattoo.
  3. If you donate blood, it is a Red Cross policy that you must wait one year after any tattooing procedure.If you have any questions or concerns, please call or text Dr. Ling at 512.656.5464.