

Shirat Ling, D.O. offers and maintains this web site to provide information of a general nature about the practice and conditions requiring the services of a cosmetic physician. The information is provided with the understanding that Dr.Shirat Ling is not engaging in rendering surgical or medical advice or recommendations. Any information in the publication, messages, postings, or articles on this web site should not be considered a substitute for consultation with a physician to address individual medical needs. Individual facts and circumstances will determine the treatment that is most appropriate.

Medical cosmetic procedures are an attempt to improve your appearance. Each person is an individual with different biology, different exposures and habits that affect their response to treatment. Everyone continues to age, despite having procedures performed.  The procedures we perform, and the materials we use, are the best available, and are expertly applied to or injected into you.  As with all procedures, there are possible complications. You are responsible for maintaining the results of these procedures, such as wearing sunblock with SPF 30 every hour, wearing protective clothing, not sleeping on the treated area, etc., prior to and after procedures. You accept the risk and assume full responsibility for complications or diminished or lack of efficacy of these procedures by how you take care of yourself following the procedure.

If you are not completely fluent in English, you must provide your own translator who is fluent in medical jargon.  You may not hold Dr. Ling or any Innate Beauty staff responsible for any misinterpretation that may occur if you do not provide this type of translator. You will have ample opportunity to communicate clearly and express any concerns, and ask questions during your consultation. If you acknowledge understanding of the procedure, its risks and benefits, and consent to the procedure, this cannot be contested in a court of law. You or your translator are responsible for any misunderstandings or misinterpretations.